12 Month Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle...
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Happy New Year, everyone! Many people make New Year resolutions only to fail. How about we take a different approach this year…remember, “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity”!  
My goal for you is to take it one step at a time. Each month I’m going to focus on a specific facet of foundation health….things we all should/need to be doing. If you follow this “12 month program”, you will most likely feel better, be leaner and have more energy.  
Remember, this is not a “sprint” ….it’s a marathon – a lifelong habit. When you take it slow and take the time to incorporate each step your chances of success will be great and less stressful than trying to do it all at once. So let’s get started!

January: Hydration... Are you getting enough water?

From Visually.

Signs & Symptoms of possible inadequate water intake:

Dry, itchy skin
Dark colored urine
Blood pressure issues
Circulation issues
Digestive issues
Kidney function issues

Benefits of adequate water intake:

Helps regulate body temperature
Carry nutrients and oxygen to cells
Removes waste – detoxification
Helps with elimination
Cushions joints
Protects organs and tissues
Possibly helps with weight loss and over eating: many of my patients have reported this!

Tips on Getting Hydrated:

Stay away from sodas, sports drinks, caffeinated and alcoholic drinks – most act as a diuretic which can make you more dehydrated. 
Stay away from bottled water. I know they’re convenient but the plastic bottles are not good for the environment and for you! Filtered water in a hard plastic bottle is my recommendation. Now the type of filter water opens up a huge can of worms! Do your research and decide what’s best for you.  
How much water should I drink? That depends on your health, weight, activity level and environment. I recommend 12 glasses a day for the average person. If you are not a water drinker, start slow and build up. You’ll be amazed how your body will respond and you will feel and see the difference!